LSHS puts on a FINtastic show!


LSHS puts on a FINtastic show!

By Jaclyn Berry

Each year Lee’s Summit High School continues to put on a beautiful show for their fall musical, and this year is no different! In this year’s musical, The Little Mermaid, the cast takes us under the sea to meet princess Ariel (played by senior, Madison Heizer). The cast has been hard at work since early September, and their opening night was last Friday November, 11.


Each individual who went to see the show loved it! The beautiful costumes and colorful make up really add some nice touches to the show, but also beautiful sets such as Ursula’s Lair, and Ariel’s Grotto help bring the show to life and give a more realistic feel.


If you have yet to see The Little Mermaid, you still have three more chances to see this wonderful production! This weekend is the final 3 shows, Friday and Saturday November, 18 and 19 at 7pm or Sunday November, 20 at 2pm.