The Aftermath of the Lee’s Summit Tornado


The Aftermath of the Lee’s Summit Tornado 

By Gavin Curless

In the late hours of Monday, March 6th, Lee’s Summit was hit by an EF-1 tornado. Although no one was injured, Lee’s Summit High School took quite a bit of damage. The football field was hit with multiple minor damages. The BUD HERTZOG letters and the TRADITION sign were blown off of the press box, and some other items around the field were blown around.

The most major damage, however, was elsewhere. The pole vault pit was blown away in the storm, bending the fence near it and damaging the pit itself. The pit was just purchased by the track team not too long ago. The pit cost around $20,000. There also full sets of bleacher blown over 80 feet away from their original location. The bleachers are broken and mangled,and will cost quite a bit of money to replace.

Lee’s Summit was not the only town to get damaged by the storm that blew through. Oak Grove received the worst of the storm. Over 500 homes were damaged. For more coverage on the storm, go to